“This book is the best, most accurate portrayal of the life of an Infantryman in Vietnam. Author Wiknik was a sharp, intelligent 19-year old draftee, who came across an honorable, if a short-term way of avoiding service in Vietnam. Wiknik trained and became an “Instant NCO” or “a Shake-n-Bake Sergeant,” which upon graduation made him an immediate replacement bound for Vietnam. A family member, girlfriend, or fiancée of a soldier who went to Vietnam will find this book most illuminating. For all the rest of you, if you read only one book about a soldier’s life in Vietnam, read Nam Sense!”
“As a member of the author’s squad, I found Nam Sense to be an authentic and absorbing narrative that resonates with every Vietnam GI’s story of survival.”
“Nam Sense is an honest and realistic account of not only the author’s tour of duty but the tours of other Vietnam soldiers as well. I feel honored to have Arthur as an occasional guest on my radio show and my listeners are the better for it.”
“I can relate to Nam Sense, so emotions ran high, moist eyes, learning new things, jogging memories that were tightly pressed between the pages of my mind, goose bumps and parallel experiences went along for the ride. Your in depth day to day journal was so very interesting and riveting. The book painted a vivid picture with colorful descriptive adjectives. I applaud you for divulging your innermost secrets. The book is so human, I could see why it took you so long to write it. It was not the blood & gore of other books from that era. You are blessed with much talent and writing ability.”
“This book will really draw you in. I got my copy yesterday and finished a first reading today. I just couldn’t put it down. For the most part, war narratives tend to be written from a detached perspective; this unit was here, that unit was there, an attack occurred here, so many casualties occurred there. The “Big Picture” so to speak. It is rare to find such an absorbing war narrative written by a grunt, drawn from the grunt’s first hand experience, and from the grunt’s point of view.”
“I just read your Nam Sense book in one sitting. It sure brought back the memories! I was constantly amazed at how similar our experiences were. The book was well-written and very authentic! I plan on buying more copies and giving them to my buddies next month at our Texas reunion. Thanks for telling it like it was for the Airborne soldiers.”
“If you are going to read one memoir on the Vietnam War, this is it. A page turner from beginning to end. I highly recommend it.”
“Having been regrettably subjected to unanswered questions directed to returning and returned Viet Nam vets both close and distant, I can’t begin to express my feeling of joy, privilege, and fulfillment resulting from your unique, articulate, and moving expressions of your experiences. It has gone a long way to provide significant insight into the Viet Nam mystique.”
“This is a MUST READ for those interested in the inner feelings of brave young men sent to war, no matter which continent, no matter which century.”
“I really loved this book. It made me laugh and cry, and I gained respect for all the soldiers who fought in any war. I felt remorse for how my fellow countrymen treated the veterans of the Viet Nam war. They certainly didn’t deserve it. This book made me understand the trials that our soldiers had to go through during their tour of duty. It told of their close friendships with other soldiers and the loss of these friends when they went home- dead or alive. I encourage everyone to read this book. It has humor, sadness and joy.”